Country Political & Economic Risk Analysis

Given the increasingly global nature of investment portfolios, an understanding of country risk is very important. The country-risk measures are correlated with future equity returns and equity valuation measures With GBA’s Country Political and Economic....

Embassies from across the globe

GBA welcomes a liaison for the Partners for International Business Scale. In this program companies, knowledge institutes, and governments are connected to create a network and a soft-landing platform....

Meet the Ambassador

As a part of our broader aspiration, GBA’s meet the Ambassador Program is one of the most engaging programs with its amazing benefits. As a global platform, we promote both national and international opportunities to facilitate symmetrical access to information and engage talented....

International Business Delegations

GBA arranges international Delegations and brings you in direct contact with the latest business development opportunities, products, and services from the emerging markets. We create a common meeting ground for companies bringing sellers....

Business Events

Explore business & Startup Entrepreneur events, seminars, & conferences around the world. Find new business meetups, networking events & global business events. We specialize in arranging Business Delegations and facilitating matchmaking events...

Networking Events

The power of networking has proven to remain paramount, and networking events and mixers are more relevant than ever in today’s business world. Networking events is about developing and cultivating long-term relationships among organizationsto gain mutual benefits.....

Global Partners for JVs

Global joint ventures are great to do business and an easier way of undertaking international trades. Companies who are looking to gain access to foreign markets, technology, and resources and want to introduce their products....

Company Outreach and Branding

GBA’s outreach and branding services aim to find individuals and organizations that may be interested in your business extending to mutual cooperation that will be beneficial for both parties. Global companies...