Ahmad Ikram Lone
Ahmad Ikram Lone is the Director of Lone Group & Co. He, with his entrepreneurial spirit and passion to undertake commercial projects, that are transformational in nature, has built prosperous businesses in the areas of Textile & Apparel, Real Estate, Metal Recycling, Hospitality & Education sectors in Pakistan, The Middle East, UK, Africa & Europe. He is currently the Director of The FPCCI Pakistan Norway Business Council & The Sri Lanka Lahore Business Council. He is the Chairman of The Foreign Affairs Committee of Gujranwala Business Centre and an EC Member of the Diplomatic Affairs Committee of FPCCI.
After completing his Master’s in International Business & Marketing from The University of New South Wales Australia, he returned to Pakistan and joined his family business in 2008. Since joining his family business, Mr. Ahmad has had a strong orientation towards forging strong business partnerships locally and internationally. From his early days as a businessman, he had understood that if the local business community of Pakistan wants to prosper, it needs to collaborate effectively with its global counterparts. With this mission in his mind, Mr. Ahmad has worked tirelessly with different trade bodies and business councils across Pakistan to promote economic cooperation by regularly facilitating trade delegations to other countries, organising trade shows, and seminars and welcoming foreign dignitaries and trade delegations to Pakistan.
One such example of his efforts is the very successful Made in Gujranwala Expo. He and his business colleagues have been organising annually since 2016 at Gujranwala Business Centre, where Envoys, Commercial counselors, Ambassadors of different countries in Pakistan, and foreign trade delegations & business people get the opportunity to interact and collaborate with local businessmen from different industrial sectors of Gujranwala. He has twice been awarded the DIG Businessman of the Year Award for his contributions to the enhancement of global trade and business networking across the world. His efforts to highlight the Gujranwala Chamber of Commerce & Industry on world forums have also been acknowledged multiple times.
His unconditional commitment to serving the community and stakeholders drives him to excel. He is very keen on developing and improving the SMEs & cottage industry of Pakistan, the largest employer in the manufacturing sector employing about 81 percent of the total labour force. He believes that it is imperative to advance the small-scale industry of Pakistan on modern lines as it is intertwined with our cultural heritage and improvement in the economy. For the past six years, he has been working very closely with the SMEs of Gujranwala, Lahore, Karachi & Faisalabad to develop apparel products for international markets. His group of companies has been instrumental in uplifting many small companies in the region by providing them with the required financial and marketing assistance to reach the global markets.